Part-time study is a form of study that combines classroom work over a period of time at a university with independent work at home. At the beginning of each semester, an induction session is held, where lectures are taken, laboratory work is performed, control tasks are obtained, and the necessary educational and methodical literature. During the academic semester, according to the schedule, students are consulted by the teachers of the departments.
Part-time study is:
CDMA Contacts
Phones: | +38 (0542) 68-78-46 +38 (0542) 33-71-14 |
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February 27, 2016 Meeting of the Elite Faculty Scholarship Commission
October 23, 2015 The meeting of the Elite Faculty Scholarship Committee was held.
Gaidabrus B.V. informed the audience about the total number of scholars of the Faculty of ELIT - 736, incl. students from orphans and children deprived of parental care - 15 people, students with disabilities I-III group - 28 people.
HAVE DECIDED: To award scholarships, instead of those previously established, for the fall semester 2015 \ 2016 students of the Faculty of Elit according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 8, 2015 No. 797 "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 5, 2008 No. 165", the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 12, 2004. No. 882 "Scholarship Provision Issues", as amended by order of Rector of Sumy State University No. 0916-I of October 20, 2015. "
Purpose and Mechanism: The process of teaching a student on an individual schedule is intended to reduce the student's classroom work. For example, if a student is already working in the field of specialty, he is actively engaged in sports, active extracurricular activities at SSU, and so on. In this case, the student is reduced to a classroom load in some or all of the semester's disciplines by personal agreement with the teachers.
Duration of Study: Students can study individually for one semester.
Steps required to move to a customized schedule:
It is advisable to prepare the documents before the beginning of the new semester. However, it is possible within two weeks of the beginning of the semester.
Purpose and Mechanism: Individual Student Planning (INP) aims to enhance the student's scientific training for a particular profile. For example, in-depth research activities, preparation for entry to graduate school, or targeted training of specialists at the request of research institutions and research and production enterprises, etc. In this case, the student is replaced by a number of disciplines for others - specialized disciplines, and appointed head of the ind. plan. As a rule, it is the supervisor who teaches specialized disciplines instead of the disciplines provided in the curriculum.
Duration of Study: A student may study one or more semesters on an individual plan (before completing a bachelor's, specialist or master's degree).
Requirements for Applicants: Students who study at the Bachelor's Degree and students who study at the Specialist's Degree (for specialties) can transfer mainly from the fifth and the next semester health care (mainly from the fifth and next semesters) and "masters" who:
Additionally, students' participation in academic conferences may include their participation in scientific conferences with publication of abstracts.
At Sumy State University, students' knowledge is assessed using a credit-modular system (KMS). The schedule of the educational process provides for the division of the academic year into 2 semesters, each of which is divided into 3 module cycles. An examination session is held at the end of each semester. The academic year contains 60 credits and the semester - approximately 30 credits of the student's academic work. In one week a student completes approximately 1.5 credits of educational work. Credit - conditional minimum unit of measure of the amount of student's academic work in the study of a particular component of the curriculum or a particular discipline learned by the student in the course of study, which determines the amount of student's independent and independent work and is 36 academic hours. Scale of the discipline (R) is determined in proportion to the total amount of academic work in the discipline: R = 40 * K, K - the total amount of discipline in credits.
Sum of Points (R) |
ECTS Assessment |
National Scale |
Definition |
90-100 | A | 5 (excellent) | Excellent execution with only a small number of errors |
82-89 | B | 4 (good) | Above average with multiple errors |
74-81 | C | In general, working with a certain number of errors is correct | |
64-73 | D | 3 (satisfactory) | Not bad, but with a few drawbacks |
60-63 | E | Compliance meets the minimum criteria | |
35-59 | FX | 2 (unsatisfactory) | Possible reassembly |
0-34 | F | Re-enrollment course required |
Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Sumy State University
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