Journals and Conferences

  1. Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics” (JNEP)
  2. International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” (NAP)
  3. International Conferences of the Students and Young Scientists on “Physics, Electronics, Electrotechnics” and “Informatics, Mathematics, Automatics
  4. Conference “Up2IT


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    Information Technology of Design

    Students are trained to work at project-oriented and scientific, organisations, enterprises and IT companies, which deal with program development and realization innovation IT- and smart solutions, 3D design projects, e-participating. Graduates are employed as QA, TA, developers, business-analytics, IT-engineers, project managers.


    Students obtain knowledge and skills in the IT sphere regarding information search, processing and transfer as well as the development of WEB-sites, Internet-programmes, e-commerce systems and data bases creation. Graduates are employed as programmers, network system administrators, Internet-administrators, WEB-designers.

    Information and Communication Technologies

    Students are trained to work in the field of information and telecommunication technologies. They are competent to deal with the creation of the infrastructure of national, regional and international telecommunication systems as well as e-document management introduction.

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    Computerized Control and Automation Systems

    The high level of computer and network training in terms of the development and introduction of computer systems for automation and control in industry, transport, communication, community facilities, power engineering as well as in production automation by IT means.

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    Applied Mathematics

    Students are provided with high-level computer and mathematical background to deal with data processing and data analysis, cryptography, math modeling of economic, physical, biological and social processes.

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    Telecommunication Systems and Networks

    Students are trained in the field of advanced telecommunication technologies in terms of creation of advanced broadband multiservice ISDNs, design and optimization of telecommunication infrastructure as well as computer, mobile and wire communication networks.

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    Electronic Equipment and Devices

    Students are trained to deal with electronic equipment in terms of creation, programming and applying computer- information and Embedded systems, nano- and optoelectronics, sensor technology in science, production sector and business.

    Electronic Systems

    Students are trained to deal with electronic equipment and electronic systems in the field of production, maintenance service and sales of electronic and computer equipment as well as specialized software development.

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    Physical and Biomedical Electronics

    Multifunctional specialists' training regarding the development and operation of electronic and biomedical equipment, diffraction electronics, nanotechnologies, using advanced medical- technical information technologies.

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    Electrotechnical Systems of the Power Consumption

    Students are trained to become electrical engineers in terms of computer sphere, design and operation of electric machinery, electric power transfer, distribution and efficient use as well as the introduction of energy-saving solutions and alternative energy sources.


Departments and sections focused on in-depth study of electronics and programming.


Departments and sections focused on in-depth study of mathematics and computer science.

Department of Electronics and Information Technology in figures


of students, PhD-students and faculty staff take part in international academic mobility programmes


of undergraduate students are employed by Electronics and IT companies

30 000

is an average monthly salary in IT sphere in Ukraine (according to WorldBank)



Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Sumy State University
116, Kharkivs'ka, str., Room ET239, 40007


Contact us by e-mail: [email protected]


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